...a group of 87 employees spread over 5 geographical sites in France (Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Lyon-Montpellier) and 4 abroad (Moroccan, Tunisian, Emirati and Egyptian subsidiaries).
"Once upon a time"
Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and fed by the culture of "customer service", Jean-Pierre BOFFY founded STEAM France in February 1999, with the initial idea of an innovative multi-brand after-sales service offer.
We have continued to cultivate this particularity in our profession, for more than 20 years, in the fight against nosocomial infections. Through the reprocessing of surgical instruments, these Medical Devices, which are mainly found in Sterilization departments. To restore their aseptic character, before reuse.
This mainly includes autoclaves or steam sterilizers, washer-disinfectors, thermal welders, ultrasonic baths, stainless steel furniture, consumables, and all other accessories.
Our range of solutions also extends to the reprocessing of infectious waste and disinfection more generally linked to the environment and health protection.
We therefore work with public hospitals and private clinics, and increasingly with research laboratories, the pharmaceutical and food industries. Establishments that need more specific equipment and services, but are all equally subject to the normative environment of the sector, ultimately for the health and safety of the patient.
Promoting our specialty internationally
Even more than in France, find the appropriateness for each country with the market and customer requirements. As part of an export strategy initiated 10 years ago, the STEAM France group has since taken several important steps:
Opening of a subsidiary in Morocco in 2014,
Commitment to a Joint-Venture in Tunisia in 2015,
Representation in the United Arab Emirates since 2015,
Establishment of a subsidiary in Egypt in 2022,
Initiation of projects in Algeria in Senegal (2020) and Benin (2022).
Our DNA: the Men and Women of STEAM
Each of our collaborators is involved in the success of the implementation of your project. We do not want to be simply a service provider, but a true partner, anticipating your needs, thinking for you.
A few words about Jean-Pierre Boffy,
STEAM Group's GM and founder
Musician at heart, Jean-Pierre Boffy quickly worked on the strings of his favorite instrument: the company. From Dijon to Montpellier, he founded STEAM France in 1999, which gave him a taste for building success as a team.
Fully committed and very attached to the region, France and their values, he is nonetheless an “economic globetrotter” and makes it a point of honor to support and accelerate innovation by positioning himself internationally. He makes our colors shine there, thanks to his other functions: Vice-President of the Leader Occitanie cluster, Foreign Trade Advisor for France, member of French Healthcare and Team France Export Ambassador.