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  • EGAPRO egalite Homme Femme
  • Your feedback matters!

STEAM, c'est ...

STEAM, c'est ...

...un groupe de 87 collaborateurs répartis sur 5 sites géographiques en France (Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg et Lyon-Montpellier) et 4 à l’étranger (Filiales Marocaine, Tunisienne, Émirienne et Égyptienne).

Discover the Sterilization process

We are present and support you, at each stage of the Sterilization process, through our 4 businesses.

Process de Sté vierge.png
1. Operating room: surgical intervention
2. Decontamination
3. Sorting Manual and/or mechanized washing
4. Instrumentation check
5. Packaging of the material
7. Material storage in the sterile arsenal
6. Sterilization
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